Agape Bathrooms

Siliconic rubber

Silicon rubber is a polymer elastomer containing atoms of silicon and oxygen. The composition is stable and irreversible, the mechanical and elastic properties of the material do not undergo change within the temperature range 100 to 250°C. The special characteristics of silicon rubber are its softness, its total non-toxicity (it is even used in mould making for the food industry) and its pure colour. Qualities that make it ideal for applications where the material comes into direct contact with the human body and with water, given its total resistance to oxidisation and to solvents. The flexibility allows to remove the limestone that could settle during the use of the item.

Data Sheet


For normal cleaning use common detergents. Do not use either abrasive detergents or solvents. Flexibility ensures easy removal of incrustations that have built up during the product's usage.

Taps and shower heads

Kaa - Kaa handheld shower with hose (150 cm hose) in non-allergenic silicone rubber
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